Shiva dances in every human heart, in the centre of the universe - that is the sacred space of the heart. Like in other myths the God of the life is also the God oft the death, the new creation through the destruction of the ancients. With his dance he holds the world wheel and life wheel in swing and and keeps people’s hearts warm thanks to his fire. At the same time he generates and creates life. Shiva destroys in his dance the ignorance and relieves the suffering. To us Christians strikes that ethical, moral and also dogmatic concepts like crime and punishment, good and evil, grace and salvation those are alien to Hinduism. By ignorance the person loses balance and consciousness Shiva defeats with his dance the demon of illusion, of unrest, and thus the cause of suffering. And Shiva is a master of the dance!Īgain and again Shiva is shown with four hands and two legs - laughing and dancing on the back of the demon of ignorance, Apasmâra. Probably the best known one of the Gods in Hinduism's is Shiva. Hinduism is characterized by sensory joy gods.